Princess of Darkness

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bye Bye Sit..

Sit my cool pal,

You are now probably sitting on the plane and either sleeping or watching some stupid lame movie in which provided by United Airways right now. Around 6 more hours to go before you reach your destination and I just wish you all the best and good luck on everything. I know you will be good in whatever you do and don't forget to keep in touch.

Time surely passed by slowly last night or should we call it 'this morning'...when we all three spent time at Starbucks talking and yawning. Don't get me wrong, I loved our talk and really enjoyed myself accompanied you before your check-in time but 2.30a.m. in the morning was a bit too late for this healthy little gal to stay up..hahaha.. However, me and Kwan remained there until time for you to leave, 3a.m. and that was when the real goodbye began. Life won't be easy Sit I can reassure that, but it depends on how you interpret each situation. You can either make a big fuss on small little things or you can just look pass them and try to overcome whatever things that might interfere in the future.

As a friend, it is my job to always be there for you and try my very best to listen to your problems and cheering you up when it is needed. So no matter how far we are just keep in mind that I will always be here for my old pal. Take care and look after yourself Sit... Goodbye

*Oh don't forget that you better come back here and go work at Shang with me..hahaha..

Sit Sit Sit.. ^^

Three of us @ Starbucks
(Time: between 1.30-2.45a.m.)

bye bye Sit..


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