Princess of Darkness

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy 13 Month-aversary

Time does fly people and before we know, it's been 13 months since Jo and I got together but the most memorable time happened on last month but very same day (I will never forget that day). Frankly, I feel that I hardly have time for my dippy today and for that I'm so sorry. I got up super early today..well at 6am to be exact to take a shower (even skipped the alms giving because running out of time). Mom and I left home at attend P'Joke's monk ordained ceremony (which he is now a monk). Mom and I rushed out because we thought we were going to be late but as it only took us less than 30 minutes to get to the temple.

The ceremony was quite small in size and people that attended are relatives and close friends. Free prawn/fish porridge were served while mom and I was waiting for P'joke's parents and his siblings shaved P'Joke's hair off. I'm not allowed to participate in this particular activity as people who are older than the soon-to-be monk are entitled to shave his hair off (mom stopped eating porridge and went to cut his hair off then walked back to finish off her porridge hahaha). I can't remember when was the last time I attended this kind of ceremony but it must be quite a very long while ago 'cause I can't seem to remember it. We stayed on until 9.30am and excused ourselves out. Monk Joke's parents were very pleased to see me and mom and I think they are very touched by that 'cause for them we showed up by surprise (P'Joke sent me an invitation via email and I didn't give him a confirmation whether I will go or not).

I have to admit that I was quite sleepy when I got to the car but at the same time I was starving as well. Well, free porridge was nice but I'm not a porridge person plus I kinda felt bad eating while other people doing other things (they had finished eating before mom and I arrived). Since mom wanted to drop by the old house, I suggested that we should drop by Bon Mache Market to grab something to eat and mom agreed you mom.

Traffic wasn't so bad since it was still early and it's weekend so people tend to start their day slower than normal days. I had chicken rice (without skin) for breakfast as I missed my darling so much and chicken rice is his favourite dish you see hehehe. Mom had grilled pork with rice and other things for side dishes. Overall, we had a very full breakfast. We walked around the market for a bit before heading off to the old house. Dad was there but getting ready to off to Nakhonsawan for Amulet competition, bro just got up. Mom picked up some mails then we went to the mall as I had to run some errands before coming home.

Traffic was quite bad at that hours (you can tell that people finally moved their asses out of home and since the petrol price has gone down dramatically, people tend to bring their cars out of the garage -_-"). Mom and I was a bit hungry when we got home, well it already passed lunch time you see hehehe so we had like a nibble food so it wasn't so bad. Mom reminded me about the hair colour set that I bought a few days ago, asking me to do it since P'Tar has nothing to do hahaha. Well, the whole session only took half an hour and now my hair is quite bright but mom said it's a wee bit brighter than the last one. However, I'm going to Kuching in a week time and apparently Jo's parents don't really like it... oh's a bit too late now right and I can't basically dye my hair to black colour on the very next day. I need to give my hair a rest at least 3 months plus I will look super scary with black hair (my original hair colour isn't black to begin with) and it's not like I'm not scary in the first place. Can't lie that I'm quite nervous about meeting Jo's parents but then Jo did it so I have to do it as well. It's going to be a tough time for me but things will be fine...keep smiling Ploy.

No plan for the rest of the night, so I guess I'm going to spend time with mom and enjoy a quiet night missing my darling. :)

Happy Monthaversary darling. I love you.

Not that bright right?!?


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