Princess of Darkness

Monday, July 24, 2006

clip job

I just finished reading an article in Who magazine about this dude, Kyle MacDonald strarted off trading a paperclip and he ended up with a new house. Wicked huh! Here is the story:

Last July, Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald, 24 decided to try to swap his way to a house online. Starting small, he posted a notice on classified site Craiglist offering a red peperclip for something bigger. Within a week, two women from Vancouver ponied up a fish-shaped pen and the trading began. MacDonald wrangled a generator for a camp stove, then a holiday in the Rockies for an old truck. Yet, things really snowballed when an afternoon with rocker Alice Cooper fetched a Kiss snow globe, which former LA Law star Corbin Bernsen snapped up in exchange for a role in the movie he is directing. That caught the attention of officials in the tiny town of Kipling, Saskatchewan, who in search of publicity offerered MacDonald the house he sought all along. In September, he and his girlfriend plan to move into their new three-bedroom digs. "It's and adventure for the both of us," he says. (Thanks Who magazine for the story)

So never underestimate the value of the paperclip,yeh! hehehe


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