Princess of Darkness

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My very first Okonomiyaki

Only a few people in my family know what Okonomiyaki is and for that reason none of them know how to cook this dish. However, I already broke that barrier (hahahaha..barrier between me and okonomiyaki). For some of you who have no idea what on earth is Okonomiyaki, let's me explain to you.

Okonomiyaki in another word is Japanese Pizza. It doesn't taste anything like Italian pizza and certainly it doesn't look anything like that round base of dough. Okonomiy
aki is a combination of flour, meat, egg and heaps of chop cabbage. You can add other things if you like such as moji and cheese. The only common thing which both gourmet share is ROUND shape. I mean that's the only thing I can find. I've tried okonomiyaki before but I never cooked one before until yesterday. I saw a cooking program on cable channel a few weeks ago on how to cook this dish and I have to admit that it looks fascinating. I went out to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with my friend at Enigma theater (most wonderful cinema in BKK I must say..if you want to know more about this place just ask me okay cuz I can't be bothered to type it out) and after the film I demanded to have okonomiyaki as dinner. Luckily, my friend is such a flexible guy (mentally) and another lucky thing is he knew where to take me. Therefore, we went to this Japanese restaurant named Dong Dong and there we made our fairly first Oko (short form for okonomiyaki...pity me I don't like to type out the whole word). We both didn't know how to cook but we did try our best anyway. It didn't come out as a perfect oko, actually it came out like burned omlette but it was scrumptious kidding. We also cooked another dish but I can't remember the name of that menu.

Okay okay, I admit I screwed up the most important part which is Flipping. In my opinion I think we made it too thin ( i realized that when i couldn't nail a perfect oko) so it was quite hard when it
comes to flipping but hey like I've said it tasted good. hahaha. The only bad thing about cooking oko is the smell of the smoke that stuck on your hair and especially when you were too tired to give a darn thing about it and yep that's right I didn't wash my hair last night. Now you know why I'm complaining about the smoke.

Okay I'm writing way too much now and it does
n't really make sense but I don't really care hahahaha. Oh yeah.. I'm having such a long day today and it doesn't seem to stop any time soon. The enrollment for my course is suck. HOT, SWEAT and unorganized. Oh well that's life and you have to fight for it. God doesn't give you this life for free, he expects something from you that's why you need to set at least one goal in your life. That's all from me for today.


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