Princess of Darkness

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A nice conversation between Boyfriend and Girlfriend

G= Girlfriend, B = Boyfriend

G: Do you ever miss me?
B: No.

G: Do you like me?
B: No.

G: Do you want me?
B: No.

G: Will you cry if I left you?
B: No.

G: Will you live for me?
B: No.

G: Will you do something for me?
B: No.

G: What would you choose between 'your life' or 'my life' ?
B: My life.

*The girlfriend is extremely sad and shattered by his answers. She turned away and started to run from her boyfriend. The boyfriend ran after her and started yelling......

The reason why I don't miss you because you're always on mind.

The reason why I don't like you, because I LOVE YOU.

The reason why I don't want you, because I need you and it's important to me, for having your in my life.

The reason why I won't cry if you left me, because my life will fall apart without you.

The reason why I won't live for you because I'm ready to die for you.

The reason why I won't do something for you, because I'm willing to do EVERYTHING just for you.

and the reason why I chose my life over yours, is because YOU ARE MY LIFE.


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